# Hi, I'm Jeff.

I'm a software engineer and manager living in New York City. This page lists a few personal projects I've spent time on. They're in varying states of disarray, but there's something in each of them that I felt passionate about. (Doesn't putting your side projects online feel a bit like inviting the general public into your home, without even cleaning the living room first?) If you'd like to get in touch, kindly email jeff@unbuggy.com or ping me on LinkedIn.

## Writing

Deeply Nested, my blog on Substack, is the best place to learn what I'm about. Here are a few representative posts:

## Pages

Here's a couple of toys I wrote to get the hang of compiling Rust to WebAssembly, and running it in Web Workers:

Collatz Visualization was a chance to get my feet wet with the (then new) HTML5 canvas element. The visualization plots the path length from any positive integer (or so Collatz conjectures) down to 4, 2, or 1, where “path‟ is the result of multiplying each odd number by 3 and adding 1, halving each even number, and repeating indefinitely. For example, the path from 5 (16 → 8 → 4) is shorter than the path from 28 (14 → 7 → 22 → 11 → 34 → 17 → 52 → 26 → 13 → 40 → 20 → 10 → 5 → 16 → 8 → 4).

## Repositories

Geode is a command-line tool for configuring and managing containerized development environments. It's written in Go-lang.

I've posted various Advent of Code solutions in Python and Rust, and the first fifty Project Euler solutions in C++.

I occasionally add small utilities to language-specific Rust-Kart, Go-Kart, and Py-Kart repositories.

## Screencasts

I've posted short videos to explain the Unix watch command and structural sharing in Git, accompanying Deeply Nested posts The Watch Command and Intro to Persistent Data Structures, respectively. If you're a glutton for punishment, you can also enjoy several hours of me mumbling and live-coding solutions to Project Euler problems in Rust.

## About me

I began working in the semiconductor industry in the 1990s, and got a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Systems Engineering in 2000. Later, I did some embedded development, then worked in FinTech, AdTech, and Health Tech. Nowadays, I mostly work at startups on a contract basis. Aside from developing software, I drink a lot of coffee and whiskey, and watch a lot of movies. Mostly I just make software though.